It was a dark autumnپاییز morning in I895. My l`riend Sherlock Holmes. the l`amous detective. and I. I)r Watson. were in the sitting room ol’ our house in Baker Street in London when a telegram arrived. Holmes opened it at once. and laughed. I looked quickly across the room at him. ‘Why are you laughing. Holmes? I asked.
Holmes looked hack at me with his cold. hlue eyes. ‘Because this telegram is l`rom my hrother Mycrol`t.` he said. ‘He wants to speak to me at once ahout Mr Arthur Cadogan. I)o you know this man. \/\/atson?`
‘I saw something ahout him in today`s newspaper. But now I can`t rememherstoryداستانstory.` I answered. %\nd my hrother I\/IycroI`t – what do you rememher ahout him? asked Holmes with a smile. ‘Not much.’ I answered. ‘I met him once -long ago. ‘I`ell mv more nhmit him ‘