Placement Tset Level 2 (Free) Time 0 Hours 0 Minutes 0 Seconds 1 Sharon didn't want to go to Arthur's party, so she ..... his invitation. received accepted turned down The earthquake was terrible. It was the worst ...... to hit our town in a century. coincidence disaster predicament Jerry likes being with people a lot. He's a very ...... person. sociable Stingy modest There's something wrong with my computer. The image on the screen keeps ...... . going dead jamming Flickering .... you mind lending me your stereo? Would Can Could We can protect ourselves from skin cancer by ....... our exposure to the sun. limiting limited being limit A few years ago, I was still very young and didn't know how to behave, but I've become more ...... since then. carefree sophisticated naive Carol isn't very compassionate. She seems uncaring and ..... about other people's problems. resourceful insensitive timid A: That was a great meal. B: Yes, it was, but I ...... eaten so much. shouldn't have wouldn't have couldn't have A: Why wasn't Bill in school? B: He ....... been sick. would have should have may have